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Have you received your VOA.. Form of return yet?

26 September 2022 11:34

Diversified Farm Businesses.. .. Rates …  Revaluation 2023 is underway have you received your VOA.. Form of return yet?  

It’s really important to submit your information in 2021 to make sure your Rateable Value   assessment for 2023 is fair and not being overvalued.

During this re-valuation   period the Valuation Office (VO) adjusts the rateable value of business properties to reflect the various changes in the market.

Rural diversified businesses are currently being contacted by the VOA, requesting information, to assess the Rateable Value. Once contacted you are asked to complete the form manually, or to go on line and update the information.

The information you provide will be used to assess your 2023 Rateable Value and business rates.  It will be charged by the local council at 51 pence in the pound (the multiplier) hence RV at £20,000 rates paid £10,200.

Do you think the information the VOA have about your business is incorrect, do you think that your Rateable Value is too high?, perhaps you feel you have been unfairly assessed. Is the description of the property or internal areas incorrect, has the agricultural exemption been applied?

It may be helpful to have a rating audit prepared of your business, you can then consider whether or not to appeal, you have this right under the.. ‘Check, Challenge, Appeal’ system.

For more information please contact: -

Davies & Co

Chartered Surveyors & Rural Consultants


NN16 0BU

 01536 524808 or email