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Planning Rules relaxation....

31 May 2024 11:58


Planning Rules relaxation....   from 21 May 2024

Conversion of farm buildings into homes, farm shops and sports facilities

Farmers will be able to convert their unused buildings into new homes and shops more easily thanks to new planning laws.

The government have said “farmers will be able to convert agricultural buildings and land into new lucrative business opportunities, such as outdoor sports facilities, larger farm shops and farm training centres, as well as housing”, thanks to the changes to permitted development rights.

Guidance means that conversion of agricultural buildings to commercial uses, as well as up to 10 homes, previously 5, is now possible without the need for  planning permission

The new rules state that double the amount of floorspace can change from agricultural to ‘ flexible commercial use’  ( Class R )  from 500 square metres to 1,000 square metres. 

Farmers can construct  new farm buildings or extensions over a 2 year period on land greater than  5 hectares, from 1,000 square metres to 1,500 square metres.

For smaller farm units increasing the size of such development from 1,000 square metres to 1,250 square metres is now possible.

These  changes and greater flexibility should encourage existing farm parks to expand by way of change of use of the existing agricultural buildings, to add value to and furthermore, a farm shop expansion.

It’s is important to note that prior approval must be sought from the local authority before any works can begin.


Barry Davies BSc(Hons), MRICS,FAAV  IRRV

Davies & Co., Chartered Surveyors

01536 524808                                                                                                                        May 2024